It is my honor to coach you through your life transition.
Find the package below that fits your needs, and book your session today.

I offer individual and family estrangement coaching. I also facilitate a support group for estranged parents and offer support for other estrangement coaching professionals. Below, book a complimentary 15 minute zoom meeting to see if we’re a good fit. Zoom coaching sessions can be purchased individually or as a package. Packages are discounted.

Book a Complimentary Discovery Call

Call for Change

15 minutes

This complimentary call is a chance for us to get to know each other, discuss your greatest challenges, and see if my coaching can support you in making the changes you desire.

These discovery calls are conducted via Zoom.

Connect with a Like Minded Professional

Colleague Connection

15 minutes

This short meeting is for connecting with like-minded professionals and colleagues.

These discovery calls are conducted via Zoom.

Book Coaching & Support Group Sessions

Individual Coaching

Receive discounts when booking multiple sessions. To book a sessions or buy packages, you can go to my scheduling page or see below.

Support Groups

Support groups are a good companion to individual coaching. Please book a a complementary discovery call before signing up for group coaching. Both the discovery call and group coaching can be booked on my scheduling page.

Review the coaching agreement.

Single Coaching Sessions

If you are ready to jump into coaching, but you only want to commit to a single session, or if you have already purchased a package, you can book a time using the button below.


If you already know that you would like to purchase several sessions, either for individual or family coaching, you can find my packages below.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”

~ Frederick Douglas